Lies Lovers Tell
1. I love you. Three little words that can make life worth living when meant; three daggers to the heart when said as a lie. Too often these words are said by a guy to get a girl in bed. Real love is proven with actions over time. If said too quickly they lose all meaning. 2. If you love me you will sleep with me. The statement should be: If you love me you will wait until I’m ready to have sex. Just because you love someone doesn’t entitle them to your body. 3. I’m/you’re on the pill, you/I don’t need a condom . If the girl is on the pill you have to remember no contraceptive is 100% effective and even if the girl doesn’t get pregnant the pill doesn’t protect against HIV and other venereal diseases. If the girl is not on the pill then you should plan on buying diapers in about 9 months, and have the doctors check both of you for STDs. 4. I’ll Pull O...