
Showing posts from 2016

To the Parents of the Boy Who Bullied My Son 20 Years Ago

           Today I was scanning some old negatives and came across a picture of your son.  I wish I could say that he hasn’t crossed my mind since that was taken but that would be a lie. To this day I wonder if he learned his behavior from you or if he was just a difficult child that had picked up some bad habits.            It’s been almost 20 years since our sons met in Boy Scouts.  While I had been den mother for the Cub Scouts there was a very good Scout Master for the Webolos .  Being a small pack in India made it difficult to avoid those you didn’t get along with.  I’ll be the first to say that the chemical reaction between my son and your son was explosive.  If my son had done something to your son, I never heard of it.  What I did hear was your son having an issue with the fact that my son was half American and half Indian.  Foul names were used, but I didn’t hear about that until much later.            Once my son became a Webolo, he was over the moon.  He loved the c

A Much Loved Woman

                 She was not perfect, she didn’t even claim to be.  She just did the best she could.  She was born during WWII, to hard working people.  She had siblings.  They loved but weren’t openly affectionate.  I doubt if communication was important.  Where she learned to hug and kiss and talk I’ll never know, but I know she learned so that her children would always know.           She had to get married, I know she loved my Dad just as he loved her, but sometimes love isn’t enough and sometimes love can be killed.  Unlike so many other divorcees I’ve known, she never passed her new found dislike of my father down.  She informed us, that we had one father and we didn’t get to choose, we had to love him, only when we became older would she admit, that even if we had to love him, it was our choice to respect him or not.            She didn’t make all the games, plays or concerts.  She had to work up to 60 hours a week, because once you are a retail “manager” they owned your