
Showing posts from October, 2020

Ode to Alex

Oh you damn dog. You troublesome heathen, You hyper leash biter.   We got you to keep your brother company. He was first and always best. But then with him I had the time and energy. He was sick and almost died when he was so little. But he recovered and bounced right back and learned  To sit, to shake and roll over. He would eat enough food to fill his tummy But there you were a year and half later.  You gobbled your puppy food from a bowl filled five times a day Then when Caesar, from his bowl walked away, You ran to finish what he had left. I say you ran, moved fast you did But your legs were short and stubby Never quite growing to match your body. You were so little that we didn’t want you left alone We didn’t want Caesar to mistake you for a bone. Our Guy Friday, would leash your brother  You thinking it was a tandem string  Grabbed the leash with your tiny teeth  Allowing yourself to be dragged to his quarter. A year later when we got your little brother You ignored him as if he

When Far from Home – Holidays – Halloween

420 = Criminals. Halloween is not a universal holiday.  I actually, looked up facts and while forms of it are celebrated in several countries, specifically, Ireland, Scotland, and England, Canada, and Mexico, Halloween American style can be a bit over the top.   As a child my parents didn’t always purchase costumes for my sisters and I.  While as a child I may have begged for a princess costume or whichever happened to be the number one that year, when it came to wearing them, it was hell.  The robe or dress, never quite fit when worn over sweaters that I needed to wear in the cold October air.  The molded plastic masks were torture, the elastic band either too loose or to tight, leaving marks on the face or worse snapping as you tried to tighten it.  Then if you could get the elastic right breathing became difficult as the nose holes never seemed to be near an actual nostril and your peripheral visions was nearly zero.  Many years we would scrounge in the parents closets trying to mak