
Showing posts from May, 2019

Hallyu (Korean Wave) Or How K-dramas Made Me Feel

            It started simply enough by being bored and in desperate need of a distraction.   Somehow Netflix started showing me some East Asian titles.   As an American who has lived in India for the past 30 years, I have become accustomed to watching shows with subtitles.   So whether the actors are speaking Hindi, Japanese, Mandarin, or Korean, really doesn’t effect how I enjoy the show.   After all I’m after a good story. For some reason the Japanese show “ Good Morning Call ”    caught my attention.   I was in the mood for just a light hearted simple romance.   Considering the fact that the couple were in their late teens and still in high school it was kind of refreshing that all the students weren’t sleeping together and bed hopping a la “ The O.C .” I was intrigued by how the school was portrayed (and no I don’t think that is how Japanese High Schools are, but just as there is a kernel of truth in US teenage dramas, I wondered where the Kernel was in “Good Morning Cal

Porn vs Real Life

I used to raid my children’s desktop computers.  Of course this was in the day when I knew more than the kids on how to find what they wanted hidden.  I can’t say I was surprised to find porn one day, but it forced me to discuss things with them that they did not want to hear.   Unlike many parents, it wasn’t the fact that they wanted to see nude pictures, it was the fear of the expectations those pictures and clips would instill in them.  I wanted them to understand that porn leads to unrealistic expectations. While I touched on most of the topics I am soon to discuss, even I couldn’t go into the depth of the subjects without forever scarring us all.  So here is what I wish I could have said to my children. First and foremost, it is natural that you want to know what other people look like naked, but please don’t compare yourself to them because those are idealized versions of men and women.   Most if not all have had some type of surgery to enhance their looks  from t