HIS NEW GIRLFRIEND (near fiction)

His heart began to race, he couldn’t catch his breath. He saw her sitting at the bar as soon as he entered. She was drinking from the big fruity drink in front of her as their eyes met in the mirror behind the bar. Beautiful…mine, were the only thoughts that swirled in his brain. He walked over as she twirled around and jumped off the bar chair. As he stood before her she raised her arms and pulled his head down for a kiss. Pulling back and looking at her shining eyes he smiled. Lovingly he caressed her face as he stared and wondered how he could feel like this again. He took a quick glance at the wedding ring he’d worn for thirty years. How life had changed. When he and his wife were first married, they were full of energy, and passion. Planning and dreaming for the life they were going to have. Life was their oyster. Work, travel, love. They did and had it all. When the pregnancy test came back posit...