
Showing posts from June, 2019

HIS NEW GIRLFRIEND (near fiction)

His heart began to race, he couldn’t catch his breath.   He saw her sitting at the bar as soon as he entered. She was drinking from the big fruity drink in front of her as their eyes met in the mirror behind the bar.   Beautiful…mine, were the only thoughts that swirled in his brain.   He walked over as she twirled around and jumped off the bar chair.   As he stood before her she raised her arms and pulled his head down for a kiss. Pulling back and looking at her shining eyes he smiled.   Lovingly he caressed her face as he stared and wondered how he could feel like this again. He took a quick glance at the wedding ring he’d worn for thirty years.   How life had changed.   When he and his wife were first married, they were full of energy, and passion.   Planning and dreaming for the life they were going to have.   Life was their oyster. Work, travel, love.   They did and had it all.   When the pregnancy test came back positive they were over the moon.   They read all the books

DANIEL (fiction)

“Daniel, your Mom said you have to play with me.   Let me in the fort. We can be Knights of the round table.   Knights get to go out in the world and slay dragons.”   “Daniel, I’m a pirate, I travel the seven seas and find treasure.” “Daniel, you’re MY best friend, why won’t they let me play, I don’t fight like a girl.” “Daniel, I’m taking Karate classes, so the next time Jacob pushes me, I’m going to knock him down with a kick.” “Daniel, why do they keep saying you’re my boyfriend when you’re my best friend.”   Mom says boyfriends come and go, but best friends are forever. “Daniel, you’re the best!   You’re my best friend and the best macaroni and cheese maker in the world!” “Daniel, horror movie marathon this weekend? Remember you have to hold my hand through the scary parts.” “Daniel, Jeff asked me to the dance, but I told him that I was going with you because we’re best friends.” “Daniel, Mary keeps looking at you.   I think she likes you.” “Dan

It's Not Any of My Business

I have several friends who are gay.  I have a pseudo nephew who is gay.  I even have a couple of relatives who are gay.  Other than using the correct pronoun when asking how their significant other is, it’s none of my business as to what they do with their significant others. My hometown was a typical Midwestern town of around 10,000 people.  Even if you didn’t know everyone, you probably knew “their family”.  Sports like football and basketball were the paths to popularity and acceptance. Being smart i.e. nerdy or worse artistic were the paths to being outcast.  Our class sizes were around 200.  By the time we were in junior high our social ranks were fairly set.  I always referred to my group as the misfits, we really didn’t fit in except among other misfits.  We weren’t jocks as we were athletically challenged.  We weren’t grits, because we didn’t smoke and skip classes.  We were smart without being brilliant and we liked theatre- this was our ticket to escape that little Peyton P


There aren’t many firsts left for me and the memory of many of the firsts I’ve had have been buried under more important firsts.   The first glance, the first tingling of awareness, the first hint that an attraction might be reciprocated, the heart racing at the thought of meeting, the racing of the heart when fearful of not seeing, all causing that ache in the chest,   the hollow feeling that can only be filled when once again you both breathe the same air.   The push and pull forces an adrenaline rush as eyes flash, to and fro, trying to catch the attention of but not being caught by the object of our affection.   As we slowly approach and mumble anything in hopes of being seen and heard.   The tilting of the body in hopes that the body will sway just enough to feel the warmth emanating from the other, because to be further induces a freezing pain that can be assuaged only by the other’s presence.   Oh the ache of sitting almost close enough to touch, wondering how t