
Showing posts from January, 2024

Who’s Who of Indian Relatives

Above please find a chart that explains family relationships in a simple manner (HIndi).  I copied this from Wikipedia.  I tried to find the creator, but was unable.  If someone knows the creator please let me know.  When I first met my relatives it became important to know who was who and more importantly where they fit in the family hierarchy.  In the west all parent siblings are aunt and uncle or all parents of parents are grandparents, grandparents’ siblings are great aunt or great uncle, children of parents’ siblings are cousins whether male or female.  In Indian culture it is not only important to know the gender, but to know whether this person is related to you by Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, or Son or Daughter.   At first to a Westerner it sounds complicated, but once learned it allows relations to make sense.    The first thing one needs to remember is that traditionally Indians had a joint family system.  The wife would move into her husband’s home.  Second thing to reme

Sharing the Things That Make Me Happy

     It's not that I wasn't writing.  It was that what I was writing involved other people's stories and not just mine OR it was so soul revealing that it left me raw.      I have no problems putting portions of my life out to the ether, but there are some emotions/thoughts that I just want to ramble through on my own in the hopes that at the end I can find a place of peace and acceptance.        That sounds very spiritual, but its not. I'm not an ascetic.  I believe I am too Earthbound.  I do not wish to be "detached", from this world.  What I do want is to work on myself in order to be the best me that I can be, because I'm probably getting a C+ on that project.      So while in 2023 I didn't write as much as before, I did try to say yes to more things, especially traveling.        I also had to deal with things I really had no control over.  I'm the - see a problem, can I do anything about it? yes?  then do it, no?, then keep moving on.  What I