Hold My Hand Until I Go (Poem)

Hold my hand until I go, 

It won’t be long now

I can hear the whistle blow

My eyes see past this temporary station

Through mists of time, how days have flown

I see a little girl with dreams and aspirations

Some whisked away in the wind

I see a young woman with a baby in her hands

Her dreams changed by this new life

So many desires slipped through the cracks

Falling carelessly on the tracks.

Hold my hand until I go

I’m filled with battling emotions

Already I miss those I leave behind

Yet eager to embrace those who’ve gone ahead

I want to treasure this time with you 

I want to savor my hand in yours 

I want to remember the times we shared

I do not wish to stumble these last few steps

Perhaps missing the end of this sojourn

I wish to board the train hale and hearty

Looking back to those who have made this journey worthy

Hold my hand until I go

I believed the journey

Was more important than the destination

I tried to savor each day

To fill each one with joy and contentment

But there were too many days, weeks, months

When life’s requirements got in the way

How I loved the days of snuggles and laughter

The days of picnics and smelling the flowers

Even the fights and games of chance

Added memories that are beginning to fade 

Hold my hand until I go

Once on the  train I will be alone, though

I will get to see what is beyond the next curve

I wonder will my sight become clearer

Will I know what I have not learned

I will miss you. See these tears unshed

Your hand in mine comforts me

I pray that those who have gone ahead

Will greet me with open arms and hugs so tight 

There have been too many days and nights

Since I held them right.

Hold my hand until I go

Your being here has brought such joy

In my youth I wanted to argue and explain

But that time has past and it is plain

That being together was all that was needed

Sitting side by side on this old rickety bench

With all my luggage packed and ready to be stored

The warmth of your hand in mine

The touch of your shoulder to mine

I inhale and look into your eyes

And say “until we meet again”

Hold my hand until I go

It won’t be long now

I can hear the whistle blow

I see the train coming down the track

I stand and leave you with a hug so tight

I walk to the train leaving my baggage behind

I won’t need it further up the line

The next part of the journey is only for me

I board the train with a last look back

It was a lovely station a lovely town

But I am needed now, further on



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